Thursday, May 14, 2020

Annotated Bibliography On Sql Dba - 1216 Words

LiteratureReviewandProposal on SQL DBA Sandeep Guptha Uppala Wilmington University IST 8101 Table of Contents What is a database? 3 DBA-types 3 Application DBA 3 System DBA 4 Maintenance DBA 5 SQL DBA 5 Proposal 7 Iteration1 7 Iteration2 7 Iteration3 7 Iteration4 8 Visual Representation................................................................................................................................9 References 10 Literature Review On SQL DBA What is a database? Connolly and Carolyn (2004) define a database as a structureordesign that consists of theclient’s data as well as metadata. It is also a persistent, logicallycoherentrepository of inherentlymeaningful data that is relevant to someaspects of therealworld. The database consists of data organized in a systematicway, anditallowseasy retrieval of information, analysis, updating andoutput of data. Thatdata can be in theform of graphics, scripts, reports, text, tables, andsoon. Most of thecomputerapplications are databases at their core. Manycompaniesusuallyhave a lot of data, andsotheyhavebig databases that can handlethatlargeamount of data. It is wherenothe database administratorcomes into playtopensurepropermanagement of the database sothatthe organizational data is safe from anyintrudersor data corruption (Jones, 2014). The database is whatcontrolsthedata of theentireorganization, andany tampering of the databases can culminate to the stoppage of businessoperations. DBA-types

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